Saturday, 5 January 2013

Trials and Tribulations

My first attempt at an enclosed form. The idea is to mix different blue glasses with clear bevels to throw coloured highlights when used as a suncatcher.

First step was to build two pyramids. These were then cleaned ready for finishing. They were then joined together. My fear was that the solder would melt through the join and fall inside the piece.

Sure enough, after carefully tacking and then closing the joint all the way around, I ran a full bead to finish the seam. Only one side then flowed through the joint and created a blob across the opposite edge. My first reaction, working on the principle that solder flows towards the heat was to melt the joint solder over the blob, holding this edge downwards so that the solder could fall out. This worked and cleared the blob that was over the foil. However some had solidified on the glass surface and this did not move.

Only one thing to do - melt all the solder around the joint to separate the two pyramids. It took a while, and damaged much of the copper foil. The positive result was that I devised a technique that should  avoid the solder flow problem. Sure enough, after replacing the copper I was able to join the two pyramids and obtain a reasonable bead of solder.

The sculpture was then spoiled by overenthusiastic washing that caused a few drops of water to smear two of the inside faces. I was not opening the piece again. It has been finished and will be kept in the studio as a reminder of the lessons learned.

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